MS Powerpoint 2007 Keyboard Short Keys:-



In the Help window
F1Open the Help window in Microsoft Powerpoint.
ALT+F4Close the Help window.
ALT+TABSwitch between the Help window and the active program.
ALT+HOMEGo back to PowerPoint Home.
TABSelect the next item in the Microsoft Powerpoint Help window.
SHFT+TABSelect the previous item in the Help window.
ENTERPerform the action for the selected item.
TAB, SHFT+TABIn the Browse PowerPoint Help section of the Help window, select the next or previous item, respectively.
ENTERIn the Browse PowerPoint Help section of the Help window, expand or collapse the selected item, respectively.
TABSelect the next hidden text or hyperlink, including Show All or Hide All at the top of a topic.
SHFT+TABSelect the previous hidden text or hyperlink.
ENTERPerform the action for the selected Show All, Hide All, hidden text, or hyperlink.
ALT LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACEMove back to the previous Microsoft Powerpoint Help topic (Back button).
ALT+RIGHT ARROWMove forward to the next Help topic (Forward button).
UP ARROW, DOWN ARROWScroll small amounts up or down, respectively, within the currently displayed Help topic.
PAGE UP, PAGE DOWNScroll larger amounts up or down, respectively, within the currently displayed Help topic.
SHFT+F10Display a menu of commands for the Help window. This requires that the Help window have the active focus (click in the Help window).
ESCStop the last action (Stop button) in the Microsoft Powerpoint help window.
F5Refresh the window (Refresh button).
CTRL+PPrint the current Help topic. Note If the cursor is not in the current Help topic, press F6 and then press CTRL+P.
F6 (until the focus is in the Type words to search for box), TAB, DOWN ARROWChange the connection state. You may need to press F6 more than once.
F6Type text in the Type words to search for box. You may need to press F6 more than once.
F6Switch among areas in the Help window; for example, switch between the toolbar, Type words to search for box, and Search list.
UP ARROW, DOWN ARROWIn a Table of Contents in tree view, select the next or previous item, respectively.
LEFT ARROW, RIGHT ARROWIn a Table of Contents in tree view, expand or collapse the selected item, respectively.
Display and use windows
ALT+TABSwitch to the next window.
ALT+SHFT+TABSwitch to the previous window.
CTRL+W or CTRL+F4Close the active window.
CTRL+F5Restore the size of the active window after you maximize it.
F6Move to a task pane (task pane: A window within an Office program that provides commonly used commands. Its location and small size allow you to use these commands while still working on your files.) from another pane in the program window (clockwise direction). You may need to press F6 more than once. Note If pressing F6 doesn't display the task pane that you want, press ALT to place focus on the Ribbon, which is a part of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, and then press CTRL+TAB to m
SHFT+F6Move to a pane from another pane in the program window (counterclockwise direction).
CTRL+F6When more than one window is open, switch to the next window.
CTRL+SHFT+F6Switch to the previous window.
CTRL+F7When a document window is not maximized, perform the Move command (on the Control menu for the window). Use the arrow keys to move the window and when finished, press ESC.
CTRL+F8When a document window is not maximized, perform the Size command (on the Control menu for the window). Press the arrow keys to resize the window and when finished, press ESC.
CTRL+F9Minimize a window to an icon (works for only some Microsoft Office programs).
CTRL+F10Maximize or restore a selected window.
PRINT SCREENCopy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard.
ALT+PRINT SCREENCopy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard.
Change or resize the font
CTRL SHFT FChange the font in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+SHFT+PChange the font size.
CTRL SHFT >Increase the font size of the selected text in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+SHFT+<Decrease the font size of the selected text.
Move around in text or cells
LEFT ARROWMove one character to the left.
RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the right.
UP ARROWMove one line up.
DOWN ARROWMove one line down.
CTRL LEFT ARROWMove one word to the left in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove one word to the right.
ENDMove to the end of a line.
HOMEMove to the beginning of a line.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove up one paragraph.
CTRL DOWN ARROWMove down one paragraph in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+ENDMove to the end of a text box.
CTRL+HOMEMove to the beginning of a text box.
CTRL+ENTERIn Microsoft Office PowerPoint, move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this will insert a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide.
SHFT+F4Repeat the last Find action.
Find and replace
CTRL FOpen the Find dialog box in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+HOpen the Replace dialog box.
CTRL+F4Repeat the last Find action.
Move around in and work in tables
TABMove to the next cell.
SHFT+TABMove to the preceding cell.
DOWN ARROWMove to the next row in Microsoft Powerpoint.
UP ARROWMove to the preceding row.
CTRL+TABInsert a tab in a cell.
ENTERStart a new paragraph.
TAB at the end of the last rowAdd a new row at the bottom of the table.
Access and use task panes
F6Move to a Microsoft Powerpoint task pane (task pane: A window within an Office program that provides commonly used commands. Its location and small size allow you to use these commands while still working on your files.) from another pane in the program window. (You may need to press F6 more than once.)
TAB, SHFT+TABWhen a task pane is active, select the next or previous option in the task pane, respectively.
CTRL DOWN ARROWDisplay the full set of commands on the Microsoft Powerpoint task pane menu.
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROWMove among choices on a selected submenu; move among certain options in a group of options in a dialog box.
SPACEBAR or ENTEROpen the selected menu, or perform the action assigned to the selected button.
SHFT+F10Open a shortcut menu; open a drop-down menu for the selected gallery item.
HOME, ENDWhen a Microsoft Powerpoint menu or submenu is visible, select the first or last command, respectively, on the menu or submenu.
PAGE UP, PAGE DOWNScroll up or down in the selected gallery list, respectively.
HOME, ENDMove to the top or bottom of the selected gallery list, respectively.
CTRL SPACEBAR, CClose a Microsoft Powerpoint task pane.
ALT+H, F, OOpen the Clipboard.
Access and use smart tags
ALT+SHFT+F10Display the menu or message for a smart tag. If more than one smart tag is present, switch to the next smart tag and display its menu or message.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next item on a smart tag menu.
UP ARROWSelect the previous item on a smart tag menu.
ENTERPerform the action for the selected item on a smart tag menu.
ESCClose the smart tag menu or message.
Use dialog boxes
TABMove to the next option or option group.
SHFT+TABMove to the previous option or option group.
CTRL TABSwitch to the next tab in a Microsoft Powerpoint dialog box.
CTRL+SHFT+TABSwitch to the previous tab in a dialog box.
ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen a selected drop-down list.
First letter of an optn in a drop-down listOpen the list if it is closed and move to an option in the list.
Arrow keysMove between options in an open drop-down list, or between options in a group of options.
ESCClose a selected drop-down list; cancel a command and close a dialog box.
SPACEBARPerform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the selected check box.
ALT the letter underlined in an optnSelect an option; select or clear a check box in a Microsoft Powerpoint dialog box.
ENTERPerform the action assigned to a default button in a dialog box.
Use edit boxes within dialog boxes
HOMEMove to the beginning of the entry.
ENDMove to the end of the entry in a Microsoft Powerpoint dialog box.
LEFT ARROW, RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the left or right, respectively.
CTRL+LEFT ARROWMove one word to the left.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove one word to the right.
SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or cancel selection one character to the left.
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or cancel selection one character to the right.
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or cancel selection one word to the left.
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or cancel selection one word to the right.
SHFT HOMESelect from the cursor to the beginning of the entry in a Microsoft Powerpoint dialog box.
SHFT+ENDSelect from the cursor to the end of the entry.
Use the Open and Save As dialog boxes
ALT+1Go to the previous folder.
ALT+2Up One Level button: Open the folder up one level above the open folder.
ALT+3 or DELETEDelete button: Delete the selected folder or file.
ALT+4Create New Folder button: Create a new folder.
ALT+5Views button: Switch among available folder views.
ALT+LTools button: Show the Tools menu.
SHFT+F10Display a shortcut menu for a selected item, such as a folder or file.
TABMove between options or areas in the dialog box.
F4 or ALT+IOpen the Look in list.
F5Refresh the file list.
Change the keyboard focus without using the mouse
ALT or F10Select the active tab of the Ribbon and activate the access keys (access key: A key combination, such as ALT+F, that moves the focus to a menu, command, or control, without using the mouse).
Press either of these keys again to move back to the document and cancel the access keys.
F10 to select the active tab, and then LEFT ARROW, RIGHT ARROWMove left or right to another tab of the Microsoft Powerpoint Ribbon, respectively.
CTRL+F1Hide or show the Ribbon.
SHFT+F10Display the shortcut menu for the selected command.
F6Move the focus to select each of the following areas of the window:Active tab of the Ribbon Any open task panes (task pane: A window within an Office program that provides commonly used commands. Its location and small size allow you to use these commands while still working on your files.) Your document
TAB, SHFT+TABMove the focus to each command on the Ribbon, forward or backward respectively.
DOWN ARROW, UP ARROW, LEFT ARROW, RIGHT ARROWMove down, up, left, or right among the items on the Microsoft Powerpoint Ribbon, respectively.
SPACE BAR or ENTERActivate the selected command or control on the Ribbon.
SPACE BAR or ENTEROpen the selected menu or gallery on the Ribbon.
ENTERActivate a command or control on the Ribbon so you can modify a value.
ENTERFinish modifying a value in a control on the Microsoft Powerpoint Ribbon, and move the focus back to the document.
F1Get help on the selected command or control on the Ribbon. (If no Help topic is associated with the selected command, a general Help topic about the program is shown instead.)
Move between panes
F6Move clockwise among Microsoft Powerpoint panes in Normal view.
SHFT F6Move counterclockwise among Microsoft Powerpoint panes in Normal view.
CTRL+SHFT+TABSwitch between Slides and Outline tabs in the Outline and Slides pane in Normal view.
Work in an outline
ALT+SHFT+LEFT ARROWPromote a paragraph.
ALT+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWDemote a paragraph.
ALT+SHFT+UP ARROWMove selected paragraphs up.
ALT SHFT DOWN ARROWMove selected paragraphs down in Microsoft Powerpoint outline.
ALT+SHFT+1Show heading level 1.
ALT+SHFT+PLUS SIGNExpand text below a heading.
ALT+SHFT+MINUS SIGNCollapse text below a heading.
Show or hide a grid or guides
SHFT+F9Show or hide the grid.
ALT+F9Show or hide guides.
Select text and objects
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect one character to the right.
SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect one character to the left.
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect to the end of a word.
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect to the beginning of a word.
SHFT+UP ARROWSelect one line up.
SHFT DOWN ARROWSelect one line down in Microsoft Powerpoint.
ESCSelect an object (with text selected inside the object).
TAB or SHFT+TAB until the object you want is selectedSelect an object (with an object selected).
ENTERSelect text within an object (with an object selected).
CTRL+A (on the Slides tab)Select all objects.
CTRL+A (in Slide Sorter view)Select all slides.
CTRL+A (on the Outline tab)Select all text.
Delete and copy text and objects
BACKSPACEDelete one character to the left.
CTRL+BACKSPACEDelete one word to the left.
DELETEDelete one character to the right.
CTRL+DELETEDelete one word to the right.
CTRL XCut selected object in Microsoft Powerpoint
CTRL+CCopy selected object.
CTRL+VPaste cut or copied object.
CTRL ZUndo the last action in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+YRedo the last action.
CTRL+SHFT+CCopy formatting only.
CTRL+SHFT+VPaste formatting only.
CTRL+ALT+VPaste special.
Move around in text
LEFT ARROWMove one character to the left.
RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the right.
UP ARROWMove one line up in Microsoft Powerpoint.
DOWN ARROWMove one line down.
CTRL+LEFT ARROWMove one word to the left.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove one word to the right.
ENDMove to the end of a line.
HOMEMove to the beginning of a line.
CTRL UP ARROWMove up one paragraph in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove down one paragraph.
CTRL+ENDMove to the end of a text box.
CTRL+HOMEMove to the beginning of a text box.
CTRL+ENTERMove to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this will insert a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide.
SHFT F4Move to repeat the last Find action in Microsoft Powerpoint.
Move around in and work on tables
TABMove to the next cell.
SHFT+TABMove to the preceding cell.
DOWN ARROWMove to the next row.
UP ARROWMove to the preceding row in Microsoft Powerpoint tables.
CTRL+TABInsert a tab in a cell.
ENTERStart a new paragraph.
TAB at the end of the last rowAdd a new row at the bottom of the table in Microsoft Powerpoint.
Change or resize the font
CTRL+SHFT+FOpen the Font dialog box to change the font.
CTRL+SHFT+POpen the Font dialog box to change the font size.
CTRL+SHFT+>Increase the font size.
CTRL+SHFT+<Decrease the font size.
Apply character formats
CTRL+TOpen the Font dialog box to change the formatting of characters.
SHFT+F3Change the case of letters between sentence, lowercase, or uppercase.
CTRL BApply bold formatting in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+UApply an underline.
CTRL+IApply italic formatting.
CTRL+EQUAL SIGNApply subscript formatting (automatic spacing).
CTRL+SHFT+PLUS SIGNApply superscript formatting (automatic spacing).
CTRL+SPACEBARRemove manual character formatting, such as subscript and superscript.
CTRL+KInsert a hyperlink.
Copy text formats
CTRL+SHFT+CCopy formats.
CTRL+SHFT+VPaste formats.
Align paragraphs
CTRL+ECenter a paragraph.
CTRL+JJustify a paragraph.
CTRL+LLeft align a paragraph.
CTRL+RRight align a paragraph.
Run a presentation
F5Start the Microsoft Powerpoint presentation from the beginning.
N, ENTER, PAGE DOWN, RIGHT ARROW, DOWN ARROW, or SPACEBARPerform the next animation or advance to the next slide.
P, PAGE UP, LEFT ARROW, UP ARROW, or BACKSPACEPerform the previous animation or return to the previous Microsoft Powerpoint slide.
number+ENTERGo to slide number.
B or PERIODDisplay a blank black slide, or return to the presentation from a blank black slide.
W or COMMADisplay a blank white slide, or return to the presentation from a blank white slide.
SStop or restart an automatic presentation.
ESC or HYPHENEnd a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation.
EErase on-screen annotations.
HGo to the next Microsoft Powerpoint slide, if the next slide is hidden.
TSet new timings while rehearsing.
OUse original timings while rehearsing.
MUse a mouse click to advance while rehearsing.
1 ENTERReturn to the first Microsoft Powerpoint slide.
CTRL+PRedisplay hidden pointer or change the pointer to a pen.
CTRL+ARedisplay hidden pointer or change the pointer to an arrow.
CTRL+HHide the pointer and navigation button immediately.
CTRL+UHide the pointer and navigation button in 15 seconds.
SHFT F10Display the Microsoft Powerpoint shortcut menu.
TABGo to the first or next hyperlink on a slide.
SHFT+TABGo to the last or previous hyperlink on a slide.
ENTER while a hyperlink is selectedPerform the mouse click behavior of the selected hyperlink.
Browse Web presentations
TABMove forward through the hyperlinks in a Microsoft Powerpoint Web presentation, the Address bar, and the Links bar.
SHFT+TABMove back through the hyperlinks in a Web presentation, the Address bar, and the Links bar.
ENTERPerform the mouse click behavior of the selected hyperlink.
SPACEBARGo to the next slide.
BACKSPACEGo to the previous slide.
Use the Selection pane feature
ALT, J, D, A, and then PLaunch the Selection pane in Microsoft Powerpoint.
F6Cycle the focus through the different panes.
SHFT+F10Display the context menu.
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWMove the focus to a single item or group.
LEFT ARROWMove the focus from an item in a group to its parent group.
RIGHT ARROWMove the focus from a group to the first item in that group.
* (on numeric keypad only)Expand a focused group and all its child groups.
(on numeric keypad only)Expand a focused group in Microsoft Powerpoint.
- (on numeric keypad only)Collapse a focused group.
SHFT+UP ARROW or SHFT+DOWN ARROWMove the focus to an item and select it.
SPACEBAR or ENTERSelect a focused item.
SHFT SPACEBAR or SHFT ENTERCancel selection of a focused item in Microsoft Powerpoint.
CTRL+SHFT+FMove a selected item forward.
CTRL+SHFT+BMove a selected item backward.
CTRL+SHFT+SShow or hide a focused item.
F2Rename a focused item in Microsoft Powerpoint.
TAB or SHFT+TABSwitch the keyboard focus within the Selection pane between tree view and the Show All and Hide All buttons.
ALT+SHFT+1Collapse all groups.
ALT+SHFT+9Expand all groups.

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